Congratulations, class of 2025!
Welcome to your destination for all things graduation, convocation and celebrating your McMaster student journey. Learn more about what is required of you to graduate and what to expect at your convocation ceremony below.
To explore a complete breakdown of faculties, degrees and programs in the School of Graduate Studies at Spring 2025 convocation, please open this Word document.
To explore a complete breakdown of faculties, degrees and programs in Undergraduate programs at Spring 2025 convocation, please open this Word document.
Date | Faculty/Program |
Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
Health Sciences (excluding Nursing) |
Thursday, May 22, 2025, 9:30 a.m. |
School of Nursing |
Monday, June 16, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
Arts & Science Program and Humanities |
Tuesday, June 17, 2025, 9:30 a.m. |
Engineering (A) |
Tuesday, June 17, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
Engineering (B) |
Wednesday, June 18, 2025, 9:30 a.m. |
Social Sciences |
Wednesday, June 18, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
Science (A) |
Thursday, June 19, 2025, 9:30 a.m. |
Science (B) |
Thursday, June 19, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
Science (C) |
Friday, June 20, 2025, 9:30 a.m. |
DeGroote School of Business (A) |
Friday, June 20, 2025, 2:30 p.m. |
DeGroote School of Business (B) |
Graduation Preparation Guide
Congratulations on reaching this exciting milestone! As you get ready to celebrate your achievements at convocation, please follow these essential steps in advance to make sure that everything is set for your big day. These steps must be completed even if you are planning to not attend your convocation ceremony. This guide will help you to confirm your eligibility, verify your name for your diploma, resolve any outstanding balances, RSVP for your ceremony and claim your guest tickets.
First things first – make sure you’re approved to graduate! You must be approved to graduate even if you do not plan to attend the scheduled ceremony. Check your Graduation Status in Mosaic:
- How to verify your Graduation Status in Mosaic: Mosaic > Student Centre > My Academics > View my graduation status.
- Review your Advisement Report: Mosaic > Student Centre > My Academics > View my Advisement Report.
Undergraduate Students: If you’re missing any requirements, schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.
Graduate Students: Reach out to your Graduate Administrator to confirm that no further actions are needed.
Need proof of graduation? The Approved to Graduate/Post-Graduate Work Permit letter is available if you have a graduation status of ‘Approved to Graduate’ in Mosaic. Official transcripts stating your degree awarded and conferral date will be available the day after convocation. Please only request a letter or transcript if necessary for reasons such as immigration, employment, admission etc. Find out more about this process here.
Your diploma will feature your primary name listed in Mosaic, so it’s crucial to ensure that it is correct.
We recommend that the name displayed on your diploma matches that of your legal name as future employers, licensing bodies, or other educational institutions may require proof the documents match. It is also recommended for visa or identity purposes abroad.
- To check your primary name in Mosaic: Mosaic > Student Centre > Personal Information > Names > Primary Name.
Need to update it? Submit a name change form via Mosaic Service Request by April 30, 2025, to avoid any replacement fees. Requests received after the April 30, 2025 deadline will be subject to a diploma replacement fee.
Prefer a different name to be announced at your ceremony? You can specify that when you RSVP in Tassel (Step 4).
Ensure there are no outstanding balances on your student account in Mosaic. You cannot receive your diploma until all outstanding balances are paid.
You must RSVP for your ceremony even if you are not planning to attend. Monitor your McMaster email for an email invitation to access Tassel. Once you receive the invitation:
- Follow the instructions to log into Tassel and complete all required fields in the RSVP form.
- This form allows you to specify if you want your name included in the program, provide your preferred name for the ceremony announcement, share the correct pronunciation of your name and request guest tickets. Please read all prompts carefully.
- If you are attending, indicate ‘Yes’ on the form under ‘Attendance’ and you will pick up your diploma the day of the ceremony.
- If you won’t be attending, indicate ‘No’ on the form under ‘Attendance’ and follow the instructions for diploma delivery.
Guest tickets are required for all ceremonies. Individuals without tickets will not be permitted under any circumstance. To remain an equitable experience for all, each graduand is guaranteed two guest tickets and is responsible for sharing them with their guests. Monitor your McMaster email for the instructions to claim them once they are released via Tassel. They are typically released two weeks before your ceremony date. You are responsible for sending each ticket to each of your guests in advance.
Doors will open 1.5 hours before the ceremony, and seating in the Great Hall will be filled until capacity is reached. Saving seats is not permitted. Once the Great Hall is full, guests will be directed to the live stream viewing area to view a live feed of the ceremony. All graduates and ticketed guests are invited to join the Alumni Welcome Event after the ceremony to continue the celebration.
Expected attendance varies by ceremony. While not guaranteed, if additional tickets can be accommodated for your ceremony, all graduands will be notified by email.
A live stream of each ceremony will be available if your guests cannot attend in-person.
Now that you’re all set with the graduation process, be sure to review the important dates, check if you’re eligible for any awards and book your graduation portrait. These are great ways to stay prepared and celebrate your hard work!
Here are all the convocation dates and deadlines to make sure you’re on track to graduate for Spring 2025. For a full list of all McMaster dates & deadlines visit this page.
Date (2025) | Item | Information |
March 4 | Undergraduate Minor, Concurrent Certificate, & Mohawk Social Sciences Certificate tile opens. | Complete the Minor & Certificate tile on Mosaic. |
Early April | Convocation RSVP form opens in Tassel. | Complete the RSVP form on Tassel to register for your convocation ceremony. |
April 30 | Primary name change deadline for convocation. | If you need to change your primary (legal) name that will appear on your diploma, you will need to fill out the name change form and submit a Mosaic Service Request.
Go to Mosaic > Student Centre > Personal Information > Names > Primary Name. Your primary name (first, middle, last) – exactly as it appears in Mosaic – is the name that will be printed on your diploma. Name changes requested after the April 30 deadline will be subject to a diploma replacement fee. When RSVP’ing for convocation, students can submit their Preferred Name, which will be displayed and announced during the convocation ceremony. |
May 2 | Deadline to mark attending on the convocation RSVP form for May ceremonies. | Complete the RSVP form on Tassel to register for your convocation ceremony. |
Week of May 12 | Tickets for May ceremonies released. | Graduands who RSVP yes to attending their ceremony will have their 2 guaranteed tickets available in Tassel. Monitor your McMaster email for instructions on how to access. |
May 30 | Deadline to apply for Undergraduate Minor and Concurrent Certificate. | Complete the Minor & Certificate tile on Mosaic. |
May 30 | Deadline to mark attending on the convocation RSVP form for June ceremonies. | Complete the RSVP form on Tassel to register for your convocation ceremony. |
May 21 & 22, June 16 – 20 | Degree awarded status updated in Mosaic. | Proof of graduation available for Nursing and Health Sciences graduates via a transcript, or degree awarded letter. |
Week of June 2 | Tickets for June ceremonies released. | Graduands who RSVP yes to attending their ceremony will have their 2 guaranteed tickets available in Tassel. Monitor your McMaster email for instructions on how to access. |
June 20 | Convocation RSVP form closes. | Complete the RSVP form on Tassel to register for your convocation ceremony. |
July 7 | Spring 2025 diploma mailing and express pickup. | Graduates who have chosen to have their diploma mailed to them will have their diplomas mailed out beginning July 7, 2025.
Spring 2025 diplomas will be available for express pick-up (time and location TBD). |
Graduates are invited to apply or nominate a peer for the role of valedictorian. This position recognizes outstanding leadership and communication skills. Valedictorians will present a speech at convocation to fellow graduates, faculty, honoured guests, family and friends attending the convocation ceremony. Apply now to represent the graduating class!
Apply and learn more about more awards available to you in AwardSpring.
Need help? Find more information and step-by-step instructions on how to apply here.
If you are a Fall graduand and can’t access awards in AwardSpring, you can find award requirements and criteria in the Funds Finder.
The Lifetouch Graduation Photo studio is located in MUSC. Book your appointment online through their website.
- Click McMaster University Grad sitting
- Click McMaster University for the site
- Click McMaster – all Faculties for the faculty
- Choose a day and time that is best for you
Questions? Reach out directly through or 905-525-9140 ext: 26222.
DeGroote School of Business graduands
DeGroote School of Business graduands can book their graduation photos through New Paramount Studios at their studios in Mississauga and Toronto.
To book your appointment:
- Navigate to the New Paramount website
- Select “Book”
- Register as a New User
- Re-enter and select “University/College” – McMaster Commerce
- Choose the time that conveniences you
Once registered, you will receive an email from the studio outlining their safety protocols and other terms.
Is there something we haven’t covered here? Please check our FAQ tab above or connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Convocation Day Essentials
The big day is almost here! If you’ve followed all the steps in our Graduation Preparation Guide we should have everything we need from you. Now it’s time to prepare for your ceremony.
All ceremonies take place at FirstOntario Concert Hall, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton ON, L8P 4Y2 (formerly Hamilton Place). Doors open 1.5 hours before the start of the ceremony, and ceremonies are approximately two hours. For Spring ceremonies, they are generally held the week of Victoria Day in May and the second week of June. For Fall ceremonies, they are generally held the third week of November.
- Graduands – Arrive no later than one hour before your ceremony. You will need this time to complete the check-in process and get ready for your big moment!
- Guests – Guest tickets are required for all ceremonies. Individuals without tickets will not be permitted under any circumstance. Doors open 1.5 hours before the ceremony, please arrive early. Seating in the Great Hall will be filled until capacity is reached and saving seats is not permitted. Once the Great Hall is full, guests will be directed to the live stream viewing area to view a live feed of the ceremony. All ticketed guests are invited to join the Alumni Welcome Event after the ceremony to continue the celebration.
Can’t attend? A live stream of each ceremony will be available if you or your guests cannot attend in-person.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of your ceremony, including important reminders and helpful tips:
- Bring your Photo ID, as it’s required to pick up your diploma after the ceremony.
- Make sure your guests have their tickets, which can be printed, sent, or downloaded via Tassel. Individuals without tickets will not be permitted under any circumstance.
- Plan ahead for getting to the venue. Limited parking is available at FirstOntario Concert Hall, with additional lots nearby. Arrive early to secure a spot and navigate to the venue.
- Dress comfortably! While many students choose to dress up for this special occasion, remember that ceremonies last about two hours, so comfort is key. A staffed coat check is available for your valuables, or you can keep them with your guests. Graduation gowns don’t have pockets, so plan accordingly!
- McMaster is committed to promoting an environment of respect and collegiality that honours the rich diversity of our campus community. We fully support and encourage the inclusion and addition of culturally specific apparel during celebrations.
- If you require accessibility accommodations, arrangements can be made upon arrival at FirstOntario Concert Hall. Find more information about accessibility here.
Students should look for signage and enter the building through The Studio entrance on Summers Lane. Once inside you will be greeted by staff and/or signage which will direct you to check-in. If you have accessibility requirements, please let staff know at the name card pickup table.
Guests will enter through the Main Entrance to the FirstOntario Concert Hall on Summer’s Lane. If guests have accessibility requirements, please let staff know at the information desk directly inside the Main Entrance.
Inside the FirstOntario Concert Hall staff will assist you to receive your name card, and pick up your regalia (gown, hood, and cap). At convocation, all McMaster graduands (undergraduate, Master’s and PhD) will be provided with the appropriate regalia (gowns, hoods, graduate caps). These are to be returned after the ceremony. Gowns do not have pockets, so plan accordingly for personal items like your phone, camera, etc.
Once you’ve picked up your regalia, you will be directed by staff to the Wentworth Room to line up according to your name card. From there, graduates will be ushered by staff into the Great Hall in a procession 20 minutes before the ceremony begins.
The ceremony begins with speeches from senior leaders and Honorary Doctorates, so make sure you’ve turned all your devices to silent mode. When it’s your program’s time to cross the stage, ushers will escort you backstage. Staff will scan your name card, direct you to the stage, and you’ll cross as your name is announced. Graduates at the Bachelor’s levels will cross the stage already wearing their academic hoods, while Doctorate and Master’s graduands will be hooded onstage.
Handshakes with the Chancellor’s Party are optional; if you prefer, simply place your hand on your chest. Explore this diagram illustrating a graduand’s path across stage to get a better idea of your route.
PhD and Master’s Graduates: After crossing the stage, you may don your cap.
The event wraps up with speeches from the valedictorian, the President and the Chancellor. Indigenous drummers will lead the graduate procession out of the Great Hall.
Experience convocation from a graduand POV in this video:
Return your regalia no later than one hour past the end of the ceremony to collect your diploma. Look out for signage showing the way, or staff can direct you back to the Wentworth Room to complete this process. If you ordered a pre-framed diploma, look for signage indicating its specific pickup area, separate from non-framed diplomas.
Please note, you will not be able to take a photo in your regalia with your diploma due to the regalia return policy. If you want great photos in your regalia, take them before returning it. There’s a patio accessible from the mezzanine level perfect for outdoor photos before you pick up your diploma.
Immediately following your convocation ceremony you are invited to visit Wentworth Room C for light refreshments and photo opportunities for you and your loved ones. This event will offer a relaxed atmosphere for you to mingle, share memories, and bask in the joy of your accomplishments while enjoying some coffee and sweet treats. Let’s make your special day even sweeter together!
After the ceremony ends you will be able to download your verifiable McMaster University e-Diploma in order to download and share your credentials easily with future employers or institutions. Learn how to download and share your verifiable McMaster University e-Diploma here.
Is there something we haven’t covered here? Please check our FAQ tab above or connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
Please note: All in-person events are subject to evolving guidance and mandates from the province of Ontario and McMaster’s commitment to the health, safety and well-being of our University community. Graduation events follow McMaster University policies & protocols and Core Entertainment policies.
How to Get to the Venue
Plan your celebrations with ease using our parking and travel details. We’ve got everything you need to ensure a smooth journey so you can focus on celebrating your special day.
FirstOntario Concert Hall (1 Summers Lane, Hamilton ON, L8P 4Y2) (formerly Hamilton Place), is located in the heart of downtown Hamilton, directly across the street from Hamilton City Hall.
Looking for the best route to join us? Click “Directions” on the map below for driving directions from your location.
Find driving directions from popular areas in the GTHA below:
From Toronto
- Take the QEW to Highway 403 west
- Take the Main St. East Exit and follow directional signs to FirstOntario Concert Hall
From Guelph
- Take Highway 6 South to Highway 403 west Hamilton
- Take the Main St. East Exit and follow directional signs to FirstOntario Concert Hall
From Cambridge
- Take Highway 8 East to Hamilton, Highway 8 becomes Main Street in Dundas
- Follow Main St. East to Summers Lane
From Brantford
- From Highway 403, take the Main St. East Exit
- Follow Main St. East to Summers Lane
From Niagara / Buffalo
- Take the QEW Hamilton to Highway 403 West Hamilton
- Take the Main St. East Exit and follow directional signs to FirstOntario Concert Hall
Paid underground parking is available at FirstOntario Concert Hall, accessible by Summers Lane or King Street. The City of Hamilton operates this lot and sets parking rates. Please see the Hamilton Municipal Parking System Office for rates.
McMaster-operated parking is also available at 100 Main St. W, behind the David Braley Health Sciences Centre (DBHSC). View DBHSC rates.
You can explore a map, including pricing and accessibility options, of other available parking lots in the surrounding area here.
The MacNab Transit Terminal is located immediately east of FirstOntario Concert Hall (formerly Hamilton Place).
For easy transit to the ceremony in Hamilton, use the HSRnow mobile app (available on the App Store and Google Play) to plan your route, check real-time bus updates, and set up alerts. Visit HSR Trip Planning Tools for route planning and bus information. You can also visit the HSR System Map to view all routes and key landmarks.
Use My Ride to plan your trip with Burlington Transit, or view their schedule and maps here.
Guests of GO Transit buses can request to stop directly outside of FirstOntario Concert Hall at the Summers Lane stop. You can plan your trip with Go Transit here.
Looking for a comfortable & convenient place to stay for your student or family during convocation? Our summer accommodations offer affordable options within walking distance to campus. These dorm style rooms, available from mid May to early August, are ideal for those visiting McMaster. Secure your stay in our PGCLL or Les Prince buildings today!
Experience luxury and comfort in one of McMaster’s exclusive Signature Suites, available year-round. Choose from three beautifully designed suites, the Marion, the Sassafras, or the Mulberry, each offering custom-designed spaces, a queen-size bed, deluxe kitchenette, and spacious bathroom. Each suite also includes a reserved parking spot for your convenience.
Tourism Hamilton has curated a list of accommodations in Hamilton to help you find a comfortable place to stay while you celebrate. Check out their recommendations to find the perfect accommodation for your visit!
Is there something we haven’t covered here? Please check our FAQ tab above or connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
We are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all graduates and their guests. Accessibility requests can be accommodated upon arrival at your scheduled ceremony—no prior arrangements with our office are necessary.
The following accommodations are available on the day of the ceremony:
- Support for people who use wheelchairs
- Assistance for people with limited mobility
- Services for people with vision disabilities
- Support for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing
- Support for people with learning disabilities
- Language assistance for people who are not fluent in English (available languages may vary by ceremony)
- Designated spaces for prayer, nursing, and quiet reflection
Attendant propelled wheelchairs and infra-red hearing devices are available for loan at FirstOntario Concert Hall.
Photos of the processional route travelled by graduands on the day of the ceremony (including photos of stairs, railings, etc.) are available as a Word document.
Grads: Please notify staff upon your arrival at check-in of your seating accommodation needs.
Guests: Upon arrival, please let event staff at the information desk know of your seating accommodation needs. The information desk is found directly inside the Main Entrance to FirstOntario Concert Hall.
Please view this map for an indication of the accessible guest seating available in the Great Hall.
FirstOntario Concert Hall has several attendant propelled wheelchairs that can be loaned to guests during the ceremony at no charge. Ask your guests to inquire at the information desk in the main lobby.
Accessible parking options are available at FirstOntario Concert Hall, as well as additional lots close to the venue.
All spoken parts of the ceremonies include live captions (communication access real-time translation), except during the reading of graduate names. The captioned text will appear on the large video screen facing the audience.
FirstOntario Concert Hall also has infra-red hearing devices for guests with a hearing impairment. These are available for loan at no charge and may be obtained at the information desk in the main lobby.
Please contact us at so we can learn how to best support you.
Have questions? Need additional accessibility accommodations from what is listed? Please contact us at
Media at Convocation
Convocation is an event celebrating your academic achievement, and there is a long history of capturing images of this event to add to the historical record of McMaster University. This has grown to include livestream capture, in addition to photography during the event. By registering to attend, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or reproduction.
Relive Your Big Day
After the excitement has settled, you can relive the day through some amazing photos. Photos of your ceremony will be uploaded to the McMaster’s Flickr account a few weeks after, so keep checking back!
For the portrait that was taken after you crossed the stage, GradImages has you covered. Within two weeks of your ceremony, they’ll send you an email with details on how to access your portrait. Didn’t get the email? Head over to the GradImages website to find your photos using their search function.
A few weeks after your ceremony, you’ll also be able to find the recorded live stream of the entire event on the McMaster Alumni YouTube channel. This is your chance to watch the ceremony all over again, or share it with any friends and family who couldn’t be there that day.
Feeling nostalgic or just curious about previous graduations? Dive into McMaster’s dedicated celebration achives. Here, you can explore past ceremonies, including event programs, photos, and recorded live streams.
We can appreciate your concern for the publication of your personal information as part of your convocation event. McMaster University is dedicated to ensuring that your personal information is protected, as well as operating in a transparent way to ensure that community members understand how we collect, use and share personal information. The university’s Notice of Collection, Use and Disclosure Statement includes graduation as one of the purposes for which we use your personal information (section 4(a)). In addition, McMaster University commits to basing disclosure of your personal information on your consent (section 7(c)).
We have a protocol to provide you some control over image capture at convocation. Our protocol is designed to empower graduates to take accountability for safeguarding their privacy during the ceremony. For more information regarding this protocol, or if you have any questions or concerns about your privacy at convocation, please reach out to
If your privacy is a concern for you at convocation ceremonies, please read the following information carefully. Please also see McMaster University’s Statement on Collection of Personal Information and Protection of Privacy (PDF document).
Senate List of Graduands
Before each convocation ceremony, the McMaster University Senate approves a list of all graduands that will be conferred a credential (certificate, diploma, or degree) at a particular convocation ceremony. The list is not made public and is only available to Senators via a secure, password-protected website. Before any student can graduate, their name must first be approved by the University Senate, and after the student has met all of their academic requirements of their particular course of study.
Printed Ceremony Program
For each and every convocation ceremony, the University prints a booklet containing the names, programs and credentials (certificate, diploma, or degree) that each graduand will be conferred during that particular ceremony. All graduand names are included, even the names of graduands who have indicated that they will not be attending the ceremony. Also, a PDF version of this ceremony program is posted online so viewers of the live convocation webcast may refer to it. You may opt out of having your name included in these materials on your Tassel RSVP form.
Memorabilia Giftware
As part of our tradition of celebrating academic achievements, the Campus Store offers a variety of graduation memorabilia available for purchase during convocation ceremonies. This may include custom t-shirts, posters, and other keepsakes featuring the names of graduands. Please note that all names listed in the convocation program are used to create these commemorative products. You may opt out of having your name included in these materials on your Tassel RSVP form.
Photography and Video
Convocation ceremonies will be recorded, and broadcasted live here. Approximately two weeks after each ceremony, each convocation ceremony will be posted to McMaster’s YouTube channel. The two week delay is necessary to allow for rendering of the raw video, processing, and uploading of the video to the sites.
Some ceremonies with high-profile honorary degree recipients or award winners may be covered and broadcasted by local news agencies without notice.
Photography: Graduands and their Guests
Some graduands and their guests may be photographed by photographers hired by the University. Some of these photos may be posted to the public McMaster Convocation Flickr site. These photos may be used in publicity material promoting McMaster Convocation ceremonies (including, but not limited to the convocation website, the McMaster Daily News website, future convocation printed programs, or other printed material).
It should be understood that many graduands and their guests will likely be photographing the ceremony and the people events within it. Many of these graduands and guests may choose to post their photos on social media such as Tik Tok, X, Instagram, Facebook etc.
Photography: Platform Party
Please note that photographers hired by the University will be photographing the faculty members, senior management, special guests, dignitaries, valedictorians, special award winners, and honorary degree recipients that are part of the Chancellor’s Party or President’s Party. These photos will be posted to the public McMaster Convocation Flickr site.
Is there something we haven’t covered here? Please check our FAQ tab above or connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
Keep Celebrating
Make sure to check out these convocation adjacent events to keep the celebration going!
Immediately following your convocation ceremony you are invited to visit Wentworth Room C for light refreshments and photo opportunities for you and your loved ones. This event will offer a relaxed atmosphere for you to mingle, share memories, and bask in the joy of your accomplishments while enjoying some coffee and sweet treats. Let’s make your special day even sweeter together!
Please note: You must return your regalia before visiting us at the Alumni Welcome Event. There will be a limited number of gowns within the event to borrow for photo opportunities, but please note availability varies based on attendance.
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. at The Loft (4th Floor of the Hub)
The McMaster Black Student Success Centre (BSSC) hosts a Black Excellence Graduation Celebration in the spring to commemorate the remarkable achievements of our departing Black graduates. This special event honours the resilience, excellence, and accomplishments of Black graduating students as part of the Class of 2025. You will be surrounded by fellow graduates, family, friends, faculty, staff, and community partners, all coming together for an in-person celebration of Black student success.
This year, we are excited to offer a cultural culinary experience, featuring a curated selection of African and Caribbean-inspired fusion treats from Afrolicious. Get ready for delicious flavors, joyful moments, and an unforgettable celebration!
Come for the celebration, stay for the culture, connection, and community!
Please note: Black Graduation is not the same as your McMaster convocation ceremony.
How to RSVP
Register for Black Graduation Celebration by using this form.
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. at L.R. Wilson (LRW) Hall on the McMaster University Main Campus.
The event celebrates Indigenous Graduates who self-identify as First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit, from all programs, and all Indigenous and non-indigenous graduates of the Indigenous Studies Program (Honours BA, Combined Honours BA, Combined BA program, and Minor in Indigenous Studies). Learn more about the Indigenous Graduation Celebration or contact for assistance.
Please note: Indigenous Graduation Celebration is not the same as your McMaster convocation ceremony.
How to RSVP
You will be able to register for Indigenous Graduation Celebration as part of the RSVP process for your convocation ceremony in Tassel.
Explore past ceremonies, including event programs, photos and live streams, on their dedicated celebration site!
Is there something we haven’t covered here? Please check our FAQ tab above or connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
Frequently asked questions
We hope that our guides have provided all the information you need to make your celebration perfect! But if you still have some questions, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Whether you are a graduand, a family member, or McMaster faculty, you can check out our FAQs below for answers.
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, find out how to connect with one of our Student Services Professionals for further assistance.
For Spring ceremonies, they are generally held the Wednesday and Thursday the week of Victoria Day in May, and the full second week of June. For Fall ceremonies, they are generally held the third week of November.
If you are unable to attend your convocation ceremony due to extenuating circumstances, you may request to defer your attendance to the next appropriately affiliated ceremony in the next Convocation cycle. Please review the Senate Policy here. To submit a request, complete the following steps:
- Complete the Request to Defer Attendance at Convocation form
- Gather your supporting documentation. This must show evidence of the circumstances beyond your control impacting your attendance (e.g. employment letter, medical documentation).
- Upload your completed form and documents as a Service Request in your Mosaic Student Centre.
Please monitor your service request and McMaster email for any updates. A decision should be available within 3-5 business days.
Guest tickets are required for all ceremonies. Each graduand receives two guest tickets and is responsible for sharing them with their guests.
Individuals without tickets will not be permitted entry under any circumstance.
Doors will open 1.5 hours before the ceremony, and seating in the Great Hall will be filled until capacity is reached. Saving seats is not permitted. Once the Great Hall is full, guests will be directed to the live stream viewing space to view a live feed of the ceremony. All graduates and ticketed guests are invited to join the Alumni Welcome Event after the ceremony to continue the celebration.
Expected attendance varies by ceremony. While not guaranteed, if additional tickets can be accommodated for your ceremony, all graduands will be notified by email.
A live stream of each ceremony will be available if your guests cannot attend in-person.
McMaster University has carefully considered best practices and graduate feedback in establishing our ticket policy, designed to be as equitable as possible for all ceremonies.
FirstOntario Concert Hall has a capacity of 2,181, which includes seats for graduands and their guests. Guest capacity fluctuates by ceremony and tickets are required for all ceremonies.
Due to these space limitations, we are unable to provide additional tickets beyond the allotted amount. Individuals without tickets will not be permitted entry under any circumstance.
While we’re unable to accommodate individual requests for extra tickets, any additional tickets that become available based on ceremony capacity will be offered equitably to all graduands through the RSVP process. If additional tickets are possible, this will be determined 1–2 weeks before the ceremony after reviewing final RSVP numbers. Unfortunately, we are unable to make any decisions about additional ticket availability without participation from graduands first. To ensure fairness, there is no waitlist, and any extra tickets are distributed equally among all graduands
A live stream of each ceremony will be available if your guests cannot attend in-person.
Children, typically under two, who will be sitting on a lap do not require a ticket. Children who will be sitting in a seat require a ticket.
If an out-of-country family member wishes to attend convocation, your family member will need to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) for Visiting Family Members. Please find out if your country of origin requires a visa to enter Canada.
If the family member needs to apply for a TRV to enter Canada, they must apply through the IRCC Portal, please visit How to apply for a visitor visa –
If the family member needs to apply for an eTA to enter Canada, please visit Electronic travel authorization (eTA): How to apply –
Your family member will need the following supporting documents for their application:
- A letter of invitation. This is a letter written by you inviting your family member to come and visit/attend convocation. Details about the information required in the letter of invitation are available on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.
- A letter from McMaster’s Student Services department confirming you are a registered student and the anticipated completion date of your studies (for both undergraduate and graduate requests).
- In some countries, a second variable may be required to prove the identity for the Visitor Visa to Canada. These variables may be a passport number, date of birth or identity number.
- Please confirm with the appropriate agency issuing the Visa as to what they wish to use and provide that information to the Student Services department at McMaster, so that they may include it in the official letter. A complete name match with passport information and relationship to the student must be confirmed as well.
The letter is used for immigration purposes and does not guarantee entry to Canada. This letter is not a ticket or RSVP to the convocation ceremony.
Questions? Please connect with a Student Services Professional via our online chat.
The Approved to Graduate/Post-Graduate Work Permit letter is available if you have a graduation status of ‘Approved to Graduate’ in Mosaic. Official transcripts stating your degree awarded and conferral date will be available the day after convocation. Please only request a letter or transcript if necessary for reasons such as immigration, employment, admission etc.
Follow these steps to make sure your credential is available as soon as possible:
- Before submitting a request, check your graduation status in Mosaic.
- Once your Mosaic Student Centre is updated to ‘approved to graduate’ by your Faculty Office you can request a verification letter.
- Download your letter or submit a Service Request to order your credential.
- Visit our Transcript Request Page in Mosaic after convocation to order your official transcript stating your degree awarded.
Reviewing is completed by your Faculty. Thank you for your patience as the Faculty Office completes reviewing and your request is processed. Requests made too early will be cancelled. Please remember to follow the steps for timely processing.
Have follow up questions? You can connect with Student Services via our online chat.
If your name does not appear in the program, it does not mean you are not graduating. You may have:
- Not consented to have your name published in the program when completing the RSVP form in Tassel.
- Submitted changes to your convocation registration after April 30, 2025
- Received “Approved to graduate” status after April 30, 2025
Graduands can refer to their “Approved to graduate” status in Mosaic to confirm their graduation status.
Still have questions?
Undergraduate students: Make an appointment to speak with an academic advisor.
Graduate students: Contact your Graduate Administrator.
All McMaster graduands (undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD) will be provided with the appropriate regalia, including gowns, hoods, and graduate caps. Regalia must be returned within one hour after the ceremony to receive your diploma.
Gowns do not have pockets, so plan ahead for personal items like your phone or camera. You will not see your guests after signing in, but staffed coat check is available for graduands. You may choose to keep valuables with you, leave them with your guests beforehand, or use the coat check. Keep in mind that you will carry anything you bring as you cross the stage.
If you would like to purchase regalia as a keepsake, please visit the Campus Store website.
McMaster is committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive environment that celebrates the rich diversity of our campus community. We fully support and encourage the inclusion of culturally specific apparel in convocation celebrations.
Many students choose to dress up for this special occasion. Wear what makes you feel your best, but most importantly, be comfortable as ceremonies are approximately two hours long.
Only Master’s and PhD’s graduate receive a cap as part of their convocation regalia.
These are to be returned after the ceremony.
If you would like to purchase your own regalia to keep, please visit the Campus Store website.
Master and PhD students are responsible for informing their supervisor about their convocation ceremony details.
If you are attending convocation, diplomas will be available for pick-up on-site at FirstOntario Concert Hall after your ceremony is complete. Return your regalia no later than one hour past the end of the ceremony to collect your diploma. Look out for signage showing the way, or staff can direct you to the Wentworth Room to complete this process. If you ordered a pre-framed diploma, look for signage indicating its specific pickup area, separate from non-framed diplomas.
If you are not attending convocation, your diploma will be delivered as you indicated via the RSVP form (pick-up or courier). You can find detailed information about diploma pickup and mailing timelines on our Diploma requests page.
We recommend that the name displayed on your diploma matches that of your legal name as future employers, licensing bodies, or other educational institutions may require proof the documents match. It is also recommended for visa or identity purposes abroad.
If you need to change your legal name, you will need to fill out the name change form and submit a Mosaic Service Request. Name change requests have specific deadlines. Please visit our Diploma requests page to find out the timeline for your convocation.
If you are not attending convocation, you must indicate ‘No’ on the RSVP form via Tassel and complete your diploma delivery information. The RSVP form is open until June 20, 2025.
If you did not complete the RSVP form before June 20, 2025, you must submit a Mosaic Service Request to request the delivery of your diploma. Complete the Diploma Delivery Request Form and attach it to the Service Request. You will be contacted by phone for your payment. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing.
In extenuating circumstances, there may be times when you need your degree conferred ahead of your scheduled ceremony. Visit the diploma requests webpage to view the process for early conferrals.
Please submit an order via Parchment to request the re-issue of your diploma for pick-up or courier.
The Lifetouch Graduation Photo studio is located in MUSC. Book your appointment online through their website.
- Click McMaster University Grad sitting
- Click McMaster University for the site
- Click McMaster – all Faculties for the faculty
- Choose a day and time that is best for you
Questions? Reach out directly through or 905-525-9140 ext: 26222.
DeGroote School of Business graduands
DeGroote School of Business graduands can book their graduation photos through New Paramount Studios at their studios in Mississauga and Toronto.
To book your appointment:
- Navigate to the New Paramount website
- Select “Book”
- Register as a New User
- Re-enter and select “University/College” – McMaster Commerce
- Choose the time that conveniences you
Once registered, you will receive an email from the studio outlining their safety protocols and other terms.
Some of the photos of the overall event taken at convocation will be available on McMaster’s Flickr account a few weeks following your ceremony.
For your specific portrait taken after you crossed the stage, GradImages sends an email within two weeks of your graduation date. If you didn’t receive this email, please visit the Grad Images website.
Your OSAP loans may begin collecting interest once you are no longer enrolled in full-time or part-time studies.
You will receive a notice from the government to start repaying your loans 6 months after your last day of full-time studies.
The Campus Store will be on-site with frames and other memorabilia. Visit the Campus Store’s Grad page to explore diploma frames, graduation gifts, and more. Secure the perfect frame for your achievement by preordering in advance and enjoy the convenience of our professional framing service!
Flowers can be pre-ordered or purchased on-site.
Guests will enter through the Main Entrance to the FirstOntario Concert Hall on Summer’s Lane. Doors open 1.5 hours before the start of the ceremony. If guests have accessibility requirements, please let staff know at the information desk directly inside the Main Entrance. Find more out about accessibility at convocation here.
Please take a look at our How to Get to the Venue page for more information about travel, parking, and accommodation recommendations in Hamilton
To remain an equitable experience for all, each graduand is guaranteed two guest tickets and is responsible for forwarding tickets to their guests.
Guest tickets are required for all ceremonies. Individuals without tickets will not be permitted entry under any circumstance.
We encourage those without tickets to watch the available live stream of each ceremony.
Faculty & Staff
Academic Procession
We invite all eligible members of the McMaster community to join the Academic Procession. Members must register in advance and also declare their intention to hood a graduate.
The Academic Procession will process into the Great Hall directly following the graduand procession. They are seated behind the Chancellor’s Procession. For marshalling and organization purposes, please report to Meeting Room 1 (first floor of the Convention Centre, past the Studio) approximately 45 minutes before the start of the ceremony. Faculty may leave their personal belongings in Meeting Room 1 as it will remain locked during the ceremony.
Borrowed hoods and gowns may be picked up from the Studio upon arrival.
The following people are eligible to participate in the Academic Procession:
- McMaster University Faculty (including Chairs of Departments and Schools)
- Mohawk College Faculty (including Chairs of Departments and Schools)
- Conestoga College Faculty (including Chairs of Departments and Schools)
- McMaster University Officers
- Members of McMaster University Senate
- Members of McMaster University Board of Governors
- McMaster University Professors Emeriti
- Trustees of McMaster University Divinity College
- Academic Visitors
Chancellor’s Procession
The Chancellor’s Procession is the last group to process into the Great Hall. They are seated on stage, in front of the Academic Procession. For marshalling and organization purposes, please report to Meeting Room 2 (first floor of the Convention Centre, past the Studio) approximately 45 minutes before the start of the ceremony. Faculty may leave their personal belongings in Meeting Room 2 as it will remain locked during the ceremony.
Borrowed hoods and gowns will be available in Meeting Room 2 upon arrival.
The following people are eligible to participate in the Chancellor’s Procession:
- McMaster University Chancellor
- McMaster University Bedel
- McMaster University President & Vice-Chancellor
- McMaster University Honorary Degree Recipients
- McMaster University Honorary Doctors
- Members of McMaster University Alumni Association Executive
- Representatives from McMaster University Student Governments Executive
- McMaster University Faculty Award Winners
- McMaster University Provost, Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents and Assistant Vice-Presidents
- McMaster University Deans, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans and Directors of Faculties and Schools
- McMaster University Chancellors and Presidents Emeriti
- McMaster University Alumni Association President
- McMaster University Board of Governors Chair
- McMaster University Secretary
- McMaster University Graduate Registrar
- McMaster University Registrar
- Mohawk College President, Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans, Associate Deans, Directors, and Board of Governors Chair
- Conestoga College President, Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice-Presidents, Deans, Associate Deans, Directors, and Board of Governors Chair
- Civic Officials
If you plan to join the Academic or Chancellor’s Procession for fall convocations, please register by Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
The hooding of Doctoral and Masters graduands by their supervisors and advisors is an established practice at convocation. This practice affirms the unique character of graduate education: the close association of mentor and student. Hooding by supervisors is a fairly simple exercise and one our students tell us that they appreciate.
Please review our Hooding at Convocation policy.
You must be part of the Academic or Chancellor’s Procession to hood a graduand. If your student(s) have requested you to hood them, please provide their name and degree being conferred when you register to join the Procession.
A diagram is available illustrating a graduand’s path across stage, and the location where they are hooded.
Academic dress must be worn by members of the Academic Procession or Chancellor’s Procession. Those who are unable to provide their own academic dress may borrow a black gown, hood and cap.
Borrowing regalia (hoods, gowns, caps)
If you plan to borrow a gown and/or cap please arrive at least 45 minutes prior to the assembly time for each ceremony. You do not need to rent regalia or arrange this in advance; gowns, hoods and caps will be available for all ceremonies.
Where to pick up borrowed regalia:
- Academic Procession: The Studio
- Chancellor’s Procession: Meeting Room 2
We invite all McMaster staff interested in volunteering at the convocation ceremonies to participate.
Please sign-up by Friday, October 25, 2024.
Checked all the FAQ’s, spoke with a Student Service Professional and you still can’t find the answer that you are looking for? Please contact