AwardSpring – Aid & Awards made simple
You can apply to various opportunities such as scholarships, bursaries and work programs using AwardSpring.
With AwardSpring, you can complete one General Application that matches you with all the aid & award opportunities you’re eligible for. It also tracks the completion of any additional requirements on a user-friendly dashboard.
Not familiar with AwardSpring? Watch the introduction video.
You can even share the same requirements (i.e. a reference letter or statement of interest) across all applications with the same criteria to save you time!
Have technical questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Not technical? Reach out to our Student Services Professionals.
Next Steps
On your dashboard you will find all of the opportunities you are eligible for that have additional requirements. What’s great about AwardSpring is that you can share the same requirements (i.e. a reference letter or statement of interest) across all applications with the same criteria!
You’ll be able to view all the awards you’ve been automatically applied to or completed the follow up requirements for, listed under the Scholarships Tab with an “Applied” status.
Application Statuses:
- Applied: Your application is complete and submitted.
- Denied: You no longer meet the eligibility requirements (i.e. if you withdraw prior to the application deadline, you will be removed from the applicant pool, or if you have a significant change in financial status)
- Approved: If you continue to meet all eligibility requirements when the application period closes your application status will appear as Awarded ($1). For the general bursary this does not mean that you are guaranteed bursary funding but that your application is undergoing a final assessment in Mosaic.
If you receive an award, the value will not be listed in AwardSpring, but in your Mosaic Student Center.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
Funding type | Decision notification | Payment disbursed |
General Bursary Program | Early February | mid-February |
Summer Bursary Program | mid-May | Paid in two instalments: one in each session. |
MAPS Bursary | After the add/drop deadline. | After the add/drop deadline. |
In-course Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Community Contribution Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Travel & Exchange Award | May | Before leaving for your exchange/travel. |
Graduating Student Award | Before your convocation ceremony | The summer following your convocation. |
Bursaries and most scholarships are paid directly to your McMaster student account and can be viewed in your Mosaic Student Centre. If there is a credit on your account after it is applied to your tuition and certain fees, the amount with be refunded to your personal bank account.
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
McMaster encourages award recipients to take the time to express appreciation to your award donor(s), by writing a personal thank you letter. Your letter is important – the individuals and organizations who fund student awards truly appreciate hearing about your accomplishments, goals, and plans for the future.
Letter template
Use the following template should be used to structure your thank you letter:
Thank you letter template (pdf)
Save the pdf to your computer, and then edit it using your preferred pdf editor (Adobe, Preview, etc).
Please note that inserting a photo into your letter is optional. If you do not want to include a photo, leave the photo box on the upper right blank.
Uploading your letter
How to upload your letter to AwardSpring (awards by application):
- Once you have been awarded a scholarship, log in to AwardSpring and access your Dashboard.
- Under the items requiring completion, find your award and click “Complete follow up.” If your award requires a thank you letter, you’ll be asked to submit one.
- Write your thank you letter using our downloadable template.
- Click “Upload File” to upload your letter.
- Once uploaded, select “Submit Follow-up” and you’ll be re-directed to your Dashboard.
How to upload your letter to MacDrive (all other awards):
McMaster’s Virtual drop box, MacDrive, allows you to easily and securely submit documents like your donor thank you letter.
- Write your thank you letter using the downloadable template above.
- Save your PDF as Firstname_Lastname_awardname.pdf
- Select ‘Add Files’, and then browse for your document
- Select the file and click OK. A successful upload has an ‘uploaded’ notification displayed on the screen.
- Please do not upload photos of your letter
- Only upload your document once
- Need confirmation the upload was successful? You can email
By submitting your thank you letter you are authorizing your student information, your photo, as well as any quotes taken from your thank you letter to be used in future stewardship materials and university communications such as McMaster newsletters. You are acknowledging that your letter may be edited before delivery to a donor, and you are releasing McMaster from any responsibility regarding how a donor may choose to use or publish your letter. If you choose to include your address, phone number and/or e-mail address you should be aware that the university will have no control over the donor’s use of this information.
Applying to medical/law/professional school?
If your application asks you for a verifier for any McMaster-based scholarships you’ve won during your time as an undergrad, you can list:
- Nancy Solano, Awards Officer, McMaster University 1280 Main St. W. Gilmour Hall, Room 120 Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8,
The following general information may also be useful to your application:
To determine your competition for any of the scholarships you received, you can refer to the Undergraduate Calendar and the online University statistics for the year in which you received the award.
- Applicants to McMaster University need admission average of 80% or higher are eligible for Entrance Scholarships.
- Reference the specific award descriptions and terms in the Undergraduate Calendar to determine how scholarship decisions were made. The Undergraduate Calendar also outline the criteria and competition (typically available) for an award. Past copies of calendars are available at Mills Memorial Library and in PDF documents.
- Reference the University Statistics for the number of students in a level, faculty, program or course. Search for statistics according to the criteria for a specific award.
Find the online version of the most recent McMaster University Fact Book:
Scholarship & Bursary FAQs
I’m having problems with AwardSpring, who can help me?
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Why did my pending aid disappear from my account summary in Mosaic?
Once our office initiates the deposit of the award with Accounts Receivable, the value of the award will disappear from Pending Aid. Over the course of a day or two, the pending aid is removed and the deposit is completed. Please allow sufficient time for the transaction to complete and the funds to display on the student account.
When will I see the scholarship opportunities I am matched with?
You will be matched with the scholarships you are eligible for when applications open on Jan 1.
Until then, you can browse all of the scholarships McMaster has to offer on AwardSpring.
Can I apply for the bursaries if I don’t receive OSAP?
You will be assessed a need score based on the information provided on their award spring application.
How can I stay up-to-date about aid & awards and my applications.
Be sure to check your dashboard and ‘’ email regularly for aid & awards information/updates, including those sent directly from AwardSpring. You are also able to forward your ‘’ emails to other email addresses used more frequently, such as your Medportal email (Medicine students).
Why aren’t I matched with any need-based opportunities?
To be eligible for need-based aid such as bursaries and the work program, your OSAP/government aid assessment must show an entitlement of at least $1. Once your application has an assessment, you’ll be able to review and apply for needs-based aid on AwardSpring within two business days.
How do I combine multiple documents into one pdf to upload to AwardSpring?
How to Combine PDFs:
- Software that is capable of combining PDFs
- Scan all your documents together to create one pdf.
- Take screenshots, paste them into a Word document and save as a pdf.
Please do not password protect your pdf documents.
What do the status fields on the Scholarships tab in AwardSpring mean?
Complete Follow-Up – There are additional requirements for you to complete. Navigate to your dashboard and click the button on the associated scholarship.
Why does the application status say “Closed” after I’ve submitted my application?
Once the application deadline date has passed, the status of an award will be listed as “Closed” as applications are no longer being accepted.
You can find all the applications you’ve submitted under “Applied Scholarships” on your Dashboard, listed with their specific applied, awarded, or denied status.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.

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