If you need to register in a course on Mosaic that is full and there are no alternative courses that satisfy your degree requirements, and you already meet the course requisites, you may contact the Department of the course and/or your Faculty Office. In addition, if a course is required for your program and there is room in the core component (normally the lecture) but you cannot select a conflict free lab and/or tutorial because they are all full, please contact the Department that offers the course.
Level 1 enrolment information
Incoming student? Refer to the websites on this page for information specific to your Level I Program. If you have academic questions, be sure to follow up with your program office. Check these websites for contact information.
Arts & Science I
Business I
Economics I
Engineering I
Health and Society I
Health Sciences I
Humanities I
Midwifery I
Music I
Nursing I
Science (All Level I Programs including Kinesiology I)
Social Sciences I
Integrated Arts I (iArts)
BTech I
For information regarding summer transition and orientation programs, including Mac101 in July and Welcome Week in August, please visit the Student Success Centre.
Faculty contacts – Academic Advising
Have questions about your program? Course requirements? Dropping or adding a course? Want to talk with someone about your Academics? It’s time to contact your Faculty.
- DeGroote School of Business
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Health Sciences: contact your school or program directly
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Arts & Science
- School of Nursing
- Visit the Departmental Contacts document to connect with staff in each academic department.
View your Academic Advisement Report in Mosaic
You can access your Academic Advisement Report from a tile on Mosaic. This tool is intended to help you understand your academic degree requirements.
How to read your Academic Advisement Report
Please see the guide on using the Academic Advisement Report for assistance.

Guide to AwardSpring – Your scholarship and bursary platform
What is AwardSpring? The AwardSpring platform is where McMaster students go to find and apply for internal scholarship and bursary...

Webinar: Help applying for OSAP
Join Student Services for an online webinar that offers new students and their families, information and guidance on how to...

Intro to OSAP
View our video tutorial above for the common practices on applying to OSAP. To calculate your course load, you can...

How to complete and submit the OSAP Extension Form
View our video tutorial above on how to complete and submit the OSAP Extension Form. Please note: A fully completed...