Scholarships and Bursaries

What are scholarships and bursaries?

Scholarships (also called awards) are funding that’s awarded based on your academic and extracurricular achievements. Some are automatically awarded based on grades and others require an application.

Bursaries are funding provided by McMaster based solely on financial need. In most cases information from your OSAP application is used to determine your financial need but some students who don’t receive OSAP may still apply for a bursary.

Both are non-repayable funding, which means you don’t need to pay it back!

Visit the Undergraduate Calendar for the full terms and conditions for all scholarships, bursaries and academic grants.

McMaster faculty, staff, retirees and their spouses/dependents enrolled in a degree, diploma and certificate program can also access AwardSpring to apply for Tuition Assistance & Bursary Benefits. Step-by-step instructions on how to apply.


Guide to AwardSpring – Your scholarship and bursary platform

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