What are scholarships and bursaries?
Scholarships (also called awards) are funding that’s awarded based on your academic and extracurricular achievements. Some are automatically awarded based on grades and others require an application.
Bursaries are funding provided by McMaster based solely on financial need. In most cases information from your OSAP application is used to determine your financial need but some students who don’t receive OSAP may still apply for a bursary.
Both are non-repayable funding, which means you don’t need to pay it back!
Visit the Undergraduate Calendar for the full terms and conditions for all scholarships, bursaries and academic grants.
McMaster faculty, staff, retirees and their spouses/dependents enrolled in a degree, diploma and certificate program can also access AwardSpring to apply for Tuition Assistance & Bursary Benefits. Step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
Who can apply?
International and domestic undergraduate students from all Faculties/programs.
This page focuses on scholarships for current McMaster undergraduate students. Grad student? Find more information on awards and funding through the School of Graduate Studies.
Types of scholarships
Entrance awards are monetary awards given to incoming students based on academic merit and, in some cases, other forms of earned merit (community involvement, leadership, etc.). Most are automatically awarded, while some require an application. The value of your entrance award will be credited to your student account after the deadline to add and/or drop classes without penalty. You can view your award value and monitor its disbursement in the Mosaic Student Center.
In-course awards are for full- and part-time undergraduate students not in their graduating year.
- Some awards are open to students in any faculty or program.
- Others are specific to certain faculties, programs, years, etc. This means your list of available scholarships might be different than your friends.
- International students can apply for the same awards as domestic students.
In-Course Awards requiring an application that are determined by Cumulative Grade Point Average require a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 8.0 on at least 18 graded units, while those determined by Fall-Winter Average require a minimum Fall-Winter Average of 9.5 on at least 18 graded units.
In-Course Awards adjudicated without the need of an application that are determined by Cumulative Grade Point Average require a minimum 8.0 on at least 24 graded units, while those determined by Fall-Winter Average require a minimum 9.5 on at least 24 graded units.
These non-monetary awards go on your transcript to recognize your extracurricular work and community involvement.
- Open to full-time and part-time undergrads in second year and above.
- International students can apply for the same awards as domestic students.
- Maximum of three Community Contribution Award applications per student per year.
Make sure you read each award’s description carefully to make sure it’s right for your extracurricular achievements!
We can help you travel the world! Apply for these awards to help fund a McMaster Exchange or other study-abroad opportunity. Apply if you are travelling during the upcoming summer or next fall/winter.
McMaster Travel and Exchange Awards are broken down into two categories:
- Travel Awards: Apply if you’re participating in the McMaster Exchange Program or another type of global experience (research, internship, language study, etc.).
- Exchange Awards: Apply if you’re going on a formal exchange through the McMaster Exchange Program only.
Some other options to fund your travel/exchange experience:
- Exchange Ambassador Awards
- Global Experience Awards (for undergrads and grad students)
- Find more resourced through the Student Success Centre
The McCall MacBain International Fellowship
A new world of ideas and possibilities lies beyond your comfort zone. Learn a new language, enhance your academics and gain cross-cultural work experience with the McCall MacBain International Fellowship.
- Value: Up to $30,000 per person.
- Fellows spend a year abroad divided into three terms: language, academic and work/internship.
Learn more about the McCall MacBain International Fellowship here.
These awards are for students in their graduating year. Graduating this spring/summer? Apply by April 29. If you’re graduating in the fall you’ll be able to apply the winter term after your convocation — even if you lose access to Mosaic and AwardSpring.
These scholarships have different timelines than the rest of McMaster’s in-course scholarships. Explore each award for more details and how/when to apply!
The McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill
The McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill are Canada’s first comprehensive, leadership-driven scholarships for master’s and professional degree students.
- Value: Tuition and fees for an eligible master’s or professional program and a living stipend of $2,000 per month during academic terms
- A comprehensive enrichment program including mentorship, interdisciplinary learning and access to a global community.
Learn more about The McCall MacBain Scholarships
Renaissance Award
This award is currently under review. Please check AwardSpring for possible open dates.
Take some time to expand your learning beyond your program of study!
- Value: Up to $25,000 for a 4- to 12-month self-directed enrichment experience
- Apply through AwardSpring
Learn more about the Renaissance Award
Rhodes Scholarship
Your chance to study at Oxford University in England for 2-3 years!
- Value: At least $50,000/year for tuition, fees, living expenses
- Eleven Rhodes Scholars are chosen from across Canada each year (two in Ontario)
- Apply through AwardSpring to be one of McMaster’s nominees
Learn more about the Rhodes Scholarship
Killam Fellowship
Live and study in the United States for one semester or a full academic year!
- Value: Up to $10,000 USD, plus a health insurance allowance
- Submit your application by Dec. 15 on the Killam website
Learn more about the Killam Scholarship
Project Hero
Financial support to the children of Canadian military killed while serving in an active mission.
- Value: Tuition waiver + residence (double room) and a regular meal plan at McMaster covered
- For application information, contact Student Services
The Schulich Leader Scholarships
These entrance awards are given to the top entrepreneurial-minded STEM students that demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, creativity and charisma.
- Value: $120,000 or $100,000 to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program.
- Schulich Leaders join an elite network and benefit from student enrichment opportunities throughout the year.
Learn more about The Schulich Leader Scholarships
The Loran Scholar Award
The Loran Scholar Award is a partnership between the Loran Foundation and McMaster university. The award offers a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergrad, diverse opportunities for experiential learning and a long-term supportive community of peers and mentors.
- Value: Annual stipend, tuition waivers and summer experiential learning program, renewable for 3 years (see Loran website for specific funding details).
- Scholars will benefit from an inspirational community of peers and mentors, financial support and a comprehensive four-year leadership enrichment program.
Learn more about the Loran Scholar Award.
The Climate Change and Health — Innovation Award
The Climate Change and Health – Innovation Award recognizes students who have achieved excellence in creating an innovative solution that positively impacts climate change and health. The award has been developed to encourage interdisciplinary team work and collaboration, as well as foster the kind of diverse and inclusive leadership that is required to address complex sustainability challenges in our society.
Learn more about the Climate Change and Health – Innovation Award
Organizations (cultural groups, foundations, religious groups, etc.) and companies often offer scholarships. These awards are external to McMaster and are open to students from many universities/colleges. There are no limits on the number of external scholarships you can be awarded!
You can mail any external scholarships directly to the Accounts Receivable office at:
Accounts Receivable
Gilmour Hall Room 109
1280 Main St. West
Hamilton, Ontario
Please note: the cheques must be made out to McMaster University or endorsed over.
External scholarships have their own deadlines and requirements not determined by McMaster University, please refer to their websites for up-to-date information and instructions on how to apply. McMaster does not issue T4As for external scholarships. Organizations providing external scholarships are responsible for issuing them.
Scholarship websites
These sites are great places to look for scholarships:
Featured scholarships
Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship
The Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship is presented to a post-secondary student with a disability. Eligible applicants must have at minimum one full semester left in their post-secondary education.
Hydro One Women in Engineering Award
In 2014, Hydro One established the Hydro One Women in Engineering Award, an extension of Hydro One’s tangible support for young women wishing to embark on a career in Engineering. This award is a part of The One Awards, which acknowledge and share the ingenuity of aspiring professionals to the joint benefit of Hydro One and their customers.
The BeMo® & SortSmart® Diversity Advocacy Scholarship
Scholarships will be awarded to full-time pre-medical (any undergraduate discipline) or medical students in good academic standing.
Live Your Dream Awards
The Soroptimist Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women program has been helping women around the world since 1972. This program provides cash grants to women who are working to better their lives through additional schooling and skills training.
Storwell’s Foster Children Bursary Program
Storwell offers an annual bursary to support foster children as they pursue their post-secondary education and to help them as they progress into a new and exciting stage of their lives.
Take a Pain Check Foundation Scholarship
Take a Pain Check Foundation is a professional non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the youth and young-adult rheumatic disease community and empowering individuals to manage their health and well-being effectively. Their goals are to raise awareness about the Take a Pain Check Foundation and to empower more students in the rheumatic disease community by awarding three of these students scholarships to help them obtain the necessary resources to help them thrive and succeed in their education.
The scholarships will be awarded to three driven and resilient Canadian undergraduate and graduate students who are living with rheumatic disease and have demonstrated a significant impact on the rheumatic community while displaying academic excellence.
Eligible students must be:
- Canadian Citizens or permanent residents
- Currently enrolled in PT or FT in a Canadian university/trade school/college
- STEM without Limits: Any STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math)
- Graduate STEM degree programs (MD/DMD/DDS)
- Learn Without Limits: Any program excluding STEM
- Officially diagnosed with a rheumatic disease
- Display Academic Excellence
- Making a difference in the Community
Scholarship & Bursary FAQs
I’m having problems with AwardSpring, who can help me?
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Why did my pending aid disappear from my account summary in Mosaic?
Once our office initiates the deposit of the award with Accounts Receivable, the value of the award will disappear from Pending Aid. Over the course of a day or two, the pending aid is removed and the deposit is completed. Please allow sufficient time for the transaction to complete and the funds to display on the student account.
When will I see the scholarship opportunities I am matched with?
You will be matched with the scholarships you are eligible for when applications open on Jan 1.
Until then, you can browse all of the scholarships McMaster has to offer on AwardSpring.
Can I apply for the bursaries if I don’t receive OSAP?
You will be assessed a need score based on the information provided on their award spring application.
How can I stay up-to-date about aid & awards and my applications.
Be sure to check your dashboard and ‘@mcmaster.ca’ email regularly for aid & awards information/updates, including those sent directly from AwardSpring. You are also able to forward your ‘@mcmaster.ca’ emails to other email addresses used more frequently, such as your Medportal email (Medicine students).
Why aren’t I matched with any need-based opportunities?
To be eligible for need-based aid such as bursaries and the work program, your OSAP/government aid assessment must show an entitlement of at least $1. Once your application has an assessment, you’ll be able to review and apply for needs-based aid on AwardSpring within two business days.
How do I combine multiple documents into one pdf to upload to AwardSpring?
How to Combine PDFs:
- Software that is capable of combining PDFs
- Scan all your documents together to create one pdf.
- Take screenshots, paste them into a Word document and save as a pdf.
Please do not password protect your pdf documents.
What do the status fields on the Scholarships tab in AwardSpring mean?
Complete Follow-Up – There are additional requirements for you to complete. Navigate to your dashboard and click the button on the associated scholarship.
Why does the application status say “Closed” after I’ve submitted my application?
Once the application deadline date has passed, the status of an award will be listed as “Closed” as applications are no longer being accepted.
You can find all the applications you’ve submitted under “Applied Scholarships” on your Dashboard, listed with their specific applied, awarded, or denied status.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add awardspring.ca to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
The Budget & Fee Estimator can help you create a financial plan and demonstrate if you are in financial need.
- Be enrolled at McMaster
- International undergraduate students must be enrolled in Level 2 or higher
- Submit a completed application on AwardSpring by the bursary deadline
- Continue to demonstrate financial need throughout the study period
- OSAP is used to demonstrate financial need. All students eligible to apply to OSAP or Out-of-Province-Government Aid Student Programs are expected to apply before applying for bursary assistance. ONLY students in the following groups will be considered for a bursary without an OSAP application. Additional financial information will be collected on the AwardSpring application for these groups.
- Indigenous Students
- International Students
- Students with OSAP government aid restrictions include:
- Academic progress restriction
- Income verification restriction
- Provincial and/or federal default restriction
- Credit check restriction
- Students with a disability taking a reduced course load
- Students with Out-of-Province Student Aid
- Part-time Students not eligible for part-time OSAP
- Students receiving social assistance
The General Bursary Program assists students enrolled in Undergraduate degree programs (excluding Mohawk McMaster and Conestoga McMaster Nursing) who demonstrate financial need.
Once you have completed the application, your status will appear as Applied, meaning your application is complete.
You may notice a change in your application status if you no longer meet General Bursary Program eligibility requirements. If you have a significant change in financial status, for example, your application status may update to Denied.
If you continue to meet all eligibility requirements when the application period closes in January, your application status will appear as Awarded ($1). This confirms that your application is undergoing a final assessment in Mosaic but does not guarantee funding.
Eligible students will see funds deposited in early to mid-March. Please monitor your financial aid information in Mosaic.
This bursary provides non-repayable tuition and book assistance to part-time students who demonstrate financial need and do not qualify for OSAP. This includes students in degree programs AND certificate/diploma programs through McMaster University Continuing Education (MCE).
Additional financial resources are required as the Bursaries for Part-Time Students program is not a means of covering the full cost of your education. Importantly, you are required to enrol and pay for your courses before receiving bursary funding.
The value of the bursary varies each term. Limited bursaries are available.
Who can apply?
You can apply for the Bursaries for Part-Time Students if you are:
- Taking a part-time degree, diploma, certificate, or certificate of a professional learning program. Certificate of Completion programs/courses are not eligible.
- Demonstrate financial need. A Common Application in AwardSpring and a McMaster Continuing Education Award application is used to determine financial need.
Ineligible for the Bursaries for Part-Time Students:
- Enrolled in Certificate of Completion (non-academic)
- No demonstration of financial need according to AwardSpring and Bursaries for Part-Time Students application
- Eligible and entitled for OSAP or other Government Student Aid for Part-Time Students
- Enrolled in a full-time course load (Undergraduates)
- Enrolled in non-credit courses
- “Non-credit” courses within certificate or diploma programs
How to apply
- Enroll and pay for your courses before completing the Bursaries for Part-Time Students application
- Follow the step-by-step instructions under the “How to apply” tab to fill out your common application in AwardSpring (once per academic year)
- Submit a complete a Bursaries for Part-Time Students application in AwardSpring
- Complete the 4-month budget for the study period (e.g. for a fall enrolment course, your budget would cover from September to December)
- You need to submit a new application for each term (fall, winter, spring/summer)
- Incomplete applications will not be considered
- Activate your MacID – A MacID is required to access your McMaster Mail
- Your MacID can be activated at https://maciam.mcmaster.ca
- Click on “Need Help with your MacID” (above the LOGIN button)
- Select the option “I Want to Activate My MacID” and follow the prompts
- Check your McMaster Email – All communications and updates will be sent to your McMaster email account.
- Check the What’s Next tab for your application’s next steps.
If you are enrolled in a McMaster Continuing Education Certificate or Diploma program and are unable to apply in AwardSpring, please complete our inquiry form to request a PDF application for the time being.
2024-2025 Bursaries for Part-Time Students deadlines
Application available | Application deadline | Application decision & payment of funds | |
Fall 2024 | August 12, 2024 | December 14, 2024 | 2 weeks after application submission |
Winter 2025 | January 1, 2025 | April 18, 2025 | 2 weeks after application submission |
Spring/summer 2025 | May 1, 2025 | July 1, 2025 | 2 weeks after application submission |
What is the Summer Undergraduate Bursary?
This bursary program is available in the spring/summer term for students completing the majority of their undergraduate program as a full-time student.
- Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents only
- Intended to assist with additional costs associated with spring/summer courses and/or unpaid work placements required for degree completion
- Second-degree students are eligible to apply
- Limited funding is available
- Payments will be made in two installments: one in the spring session, one in the summer session
How to apply
- Follow the instructions under the “How to apply” tab
- Find the Summer Undergraduate Bursary application under the ‘Follow-up’ tab in AwardSpring.
Tuition Assistance & Bursary Benefit
McMaster faculty, staff, retirees and their spouses/dependents enrolled in a degree, diploma and certificate program can apply for Tuition Assistance & Bursary Benefits.
Scholarship & Bursary FAQs
I’m having problems with AwardSpring, who can help me?
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Why did my pending aid disappear from my account summary in Mosaic?
Once our office initiates the deposit of the award with Accounts Receivable, the value of the award will disappear from Pending Aid. Over the course of a day or two, the pending aid is removed and the deposit is completed. Please allow sufficient time for the transaction to complete and the funds to display on the student account.
When will I see the scholarship opportunities I am matched with?
You will be matched with the scholarships you are eligible for when applications open on Jan 1.
Until then, you can browse all of the scholarships McMaster has to offer on AwardSpring.
Can I apply for the bursaries if I don’t receive OSAP?
You will be assessed a need score based on the information provided on their award spring application.
How can I stay up-to-date about aid & awards and my applications.
Be sure to check your dashboard and ‘@mcmaster.ca’ email regularly for aid & awards information/updates, including those sent directly from AwardSpring. You are also able to forward your ‘@mcmaster.ca’ emails to other email addresses used more frequently, such as your Medportal email (Medicine students).
Why aren’t I matched with any need-based opportunities?
To be eligible for need-based aid such as bursaries and the work program, your OSAP/government aid assessment must show an entitlement of at least $1. Once your application has an assessment, you’ll be able to review and apply for needs-based aid on AwardSpring within two business days.
How do I combine multiple documents into one pdf to upload to AwardSpring?
How to Combine PDFs:
- Software that is capable of combining PDFs
- Scan all your documents together to create one pdf.
- Take screenshots, paste them into a Word document and save as a pdf.
Please do not password protect your pdf documents.
What do the status fields on the Scholarships tab in AwardSpring mean?
Complete Follow-Up – There are additional requirements for you to complete. Navigate to your dashboard and click the button on the associated scholarship.
Why does the application status say “Closed” after I’ve submitted my application?
Once the application deadline date has passed, the status of an award will be listed as “Closed” as applications are no longer being accepted.
You can find all the applications you’ve submitted under “Applied Scholarships” on your Dashboard, listed with their specific applied, awarded, or denied status.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add awardspring.ca to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
AwardSpring – Aid & Awards made simple
With AwardSpring, you can complete one General Application that matches you with all the aid & award opportunities you’re eligible for. It also tracks the completion of any additional requirements on a user-friendly dashboard.
You can even share the same requirements (i.e. a reference letter or statement of interest) across all applications with the same criteria to save you time!
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Not technical? Reach out to our Student Services Professionals.
On your dashboard you will find all of the opportunities you are eligible for that have additional requirements. What’s great about AwardSpring is that you can share the same requirements (i.e. a reference letter or statement of interest) across all applications with the same criteria!
You’ll be able to view all the awards you’ve been automatically applied to or completed the follow up requirements for, listed under the Scholarships Tab with an “Applied” status.
Application Statuses:
- Applied: Your application is complete and submitted.
- Denied: You no longer meet the eligibility requirements (i.e. if you withdraw prior to the application deadline, you will be removed from the applicant pool, or if you have a significant change in financial status)
- Approved: If you continue to meet all eligibility requirements when the application period closes your application status will appear as Awarded ($1). For the general bursary this does not mean that you are guaranteed bursary funding but that your application is undergoing a final assessment in Mosaic.
If you receive an award, the value will not be listed in AwardSpring, but in your Mosaic Student Center.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add awardspring.ca to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
Funding type | Decision notification | Awarded |
General Bursary Program | Early to mid-March | Eligible students will see funds deposited in early to mid-March. Please monitor your financial aid information in Mosaic. |
Summer Bursary Program | Mid-May | Paid in two instalments: one in each session. |
MAPS Bursary | After the add/drop deadline. | After the add/drop deadline. |
In-course Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Community Contribution Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Travel & Exchange Award | May | Before leaving for your exchange/travel. |
Graduating Student Award | Before your convocation ceremony | The summer following your convocation. |
Bursaries and most scholarships are paid directly to your McMaster student account and can be viewed in your Mosaic Student Centre. If there is a credit on your account after it is applied to your tuition and certain fees, the amount with be refunded to your personal bank account.
Learn more about dates and deadlines.
Scholarship & Bursary FAQs
I’m having problems with AwardSpring, who can help me?
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
Why did my pending aid disappear from my account summary in Mosaic?
Once our office initiates the deposit of the award with Accounts Receivable, the value of the award will disappear from Pending Aid. Over the course of a day or two, the pending aid is removed and the deposit is completed. Please allow sufficient time for the transaction to complete and the funds to display on the student account.
When will I see the scholarship opportunities I am matched with?
You will be matched with the scholarships you are eligible for when applications open on Jan 1.
Until then, you can browse all of the scholarships McMaster has to offer on AwardSpring.
Can I apply for the bursaries if I don’t receive OSAP?
You will be assessed a need score based on the information provided on their award spring application.
How can I stay up-to-date about aid & awards and my applications.
Be sure to check your dashboard and ‘@mcmaster.ca’ email regularly for aid & awards information/updates, including those sent directly from AwardSpring. You are also able to forward your ‘@mcmaster.ca’ emails to other email addresses used more frequently, such as your Medportal email (Medicine students).
Why aren’t I matched with any need-based opportunities?
To be eligible for need-based aid such as bursaries and the work program, your OSAP/government aid assessment must show an entitlement of at least $1. Once your application has an assessment, you’ll be able to review and apply for needs-based aid on AwardSpring within two business days.
How do I combine multiple documents into one pdf to upload to AwardSpring?
How to Combine PDFs:
- Software that is capable of combining PDFs
- Scan all your documents together to create one pdf.
- Take screenshots, paste them into a Word document and save as a pdf.
Please do not password protect your pdf documents.
What do the status fields on the Scholarships tab in AwardSpring mean?
Complete Follow-Up – There are additional requirements for you to complete. Navigate to your dashboard and click the button on the associated scholarship.
Why does the application status say “Closed” after I’ve submitted my application?
Once the application deadline date has passed, the status of an award will be listed as “Closed” as applications are no longer being accepted.
You can find all the applications you’ve submitted under “Applied Scholarships” on your Dashboard, listed with their specific applied, awarded, or denied status.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add awardspring.ca to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
On your dashboard you will find all of the opportunities you are eligible for that have additional requirements. What’s great about AwardSpring is that you can share the same requirements (i.e. a reference letter or statement of interest) across all applications with the same criteria!
You’ll be able to view all the awards you’ve been automatically applied to or completed the follow up requirements for, listed under the Scholarships Tab with an “Applied” status.
Application Statuses:
- Applied: Your application is complete and submitted.
- Denied: You no longer meet the eligibility requirements (i.e. if you withdraw prior to the application deadline, you will be removed from the applicant pool, or if you have a significant change in financial status)
- Approved: If you continue to meet all eligibility requirements when the application period closes your application status will appear as Awarded ($1). For the general bursary this does not mean that you are guaranteed bursary funding but that your application is undergoing a final assessment in Mosaic.
If you receive an award, the value will not be listed in AwardSpring, but in your Mosaic Student Center.
Monitor your dashboard regularly and be sure to add awardspring.ca to your ‘safe senders’ list to receive status updates via email.
Funding type | Decision notification | Payment disbursed |
General Bursary Program | Early February | mid-February |
Summer Bursary Program | mid-May | Paid in two instalments: one in each session. |
MAPS Bursary | After the add/drop deadline. | After the add/drop deadline. |
In-course Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Community Contribution Award | End of July | After the add/drop deadline. |
Travel & Exchange Award | May | Before leaving for your exchange/travel. |
Graduating Student Award | Before your convocation ceremony | The summer following your convocation. |
Bursaries and most scholarships are paid directly to your McMaster student account and can be viewed in your Mosaic Student Centre. If there is a credit on your account after it is applied to your tuition and certain fees, the amount with be refunded to your personal bank account.
Have questions about AwardSpring? Ask us here!
McMaster encourages award recipients to take the time to express appreciation to your award donor(s), by writing a personal thank you letter. Your letter is important – the individuals and organizations who fund student awards truly appreciate hearing about your accomplishments, goals, and plans for the future.
Letter template
Use the following template should be used to structure your thank you letter:
Thank you letter template (pdf)
Save the pdf to your computer, and then edit it using your preferred pdf editor (Adobe, Preview, etc).
Please note that inserting a photo into your letter is optional. If you do not want to include a photo, leave the photo box on the upper right blank.
Uploading your letter
How to upload your letter to AwardSpring (awards by application):
- Once you have been awarded a scholarship, log in to AwardSpring and access your Dashboard.
- Under the items requiring completion, find your award and click “Complete follow up.” If your award requires a thank you letter, you’ll be asked to submit one.
- Write your thank you letter using our downloadable template.
- Click “Upload File” to upload your letter.
- Once uploaded, select “Submit Follow-up” and you’ll be re-directed to your Dashboard.
How to upload your letter to MacDrive (all other awards):
McMaster’s Virtual drop box, MacDrive, allows you to easily and securely submit documents like your donor thank you letter.
- Write your thank you letter using the downloadable template above.
- Save your PDF as Firstname_Lastname_awardname.pdf
- Select ‘Add Files’, and then browse for your document
- Select the file and click OK. A successful upload has an ‘uploaded’ notification displayed on the screen.
- Please do not upload photos of your letter
- Only upload your document once
- Need confirmation the upload was successful? You can email jackap@mcmaster.ca.
By submitting your thank you letter you are authorizing your student information, your photo, as well as any quotes taken from your thank you letter to be used in future stewardship materials and university communications such as McMaster newsletters. You are acknowledging that your letter may be edited before delivery to a donor, and you are releasing McMaster from any responsibility regarding how a donor may choose to use or publish your letter. If you choose to include your address, phone number and/or e-mail address you should be aware that the university will have no control over the donor’s use of this information.
Applying to medical/law/professional school?
If your application asks you for a verifier for any McMaster-based scholarships you’ve won during your time as an undergrad, you can list:
- Nancy Solano, Awards Officer, McMaster University 1280 Main St. W. Gilmour Hall, Room 120 Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8 solanon@mcmaster.ca
The following general information may also be useful to your application:
To determine your competition for any of the scholarships you received, you can refer to the Undergraduate Calendar and the online University statistics for the year in which you received the award.
- Applicants to McMaster University need admission average of 80% or higher are eligible for Entrance Scholarships.
- Reference the specific award descriptions and terms in the Undergraduate Calendar to determine how scholarship decisions were made. The Undergraduate Calendar also outline the criteria and competition (typically available) for an award. Past copies of calendars are available at Mills Memorial Library and in PDF documents.
- Reference the University Statistics for the number of students in a level, faculty, program or course. Search for statistics according to the criteria for a specific award.
- If you require your Deans’ Honour List and/or Provost Honour List standings verified, please contact your faculty office.
- Graduate scholarships must be verified through the School of Graduate Studies.
Find the online version of the most recent McMaster University Fact Book: