International students

Enrolment verification for international students

Enrolment verification requests for immigration, visa, work or study permits

International tuition fees

The cost of international tuition at McMaster.

Undergraduate Supplementary fees

Fees charged in addition to your tuition.

Graduate Supplementary Fees

Fees charged in addition to your tuition.

International payment methods

How to pay your fees as an international student.

McMaster PAL Tool

As of January 22, 2024, some international students applying for a new study permit will need a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL). Please use the McMaster PAL Tool to see if you require an attestation letter. 

Apply for your study permit

How to apply for a study permit/visa.

International fee exemptions

Who is exempt from international fees and how to apply for exemption status.

Payment verification

How to request a payment verification letter.

UHIP (International Student Health Insurance)

Compulsory plan for all international students and their eligible dependents.

Aid & Awards for international students

Understand the options that can help you fund your education

McMaster Office for the Development of English Language Learners (MODEL)

MODEL is a free service for all McMaster designed to help McMaster students who may be struggling with the English language.

Navigating Mosaic

Learn how to navigate your way through Mosaic.

Exceptional circumstances impacting enrolment

Learn more about authorized leave of absence.