Exams & Grades
Exam schedule, locations, deferred exams, external exams, as well as what you need to know before, during and after your exams.
How to find your grades and all about GPAs.
Re-read appeals
What a re-read appeal is and how to submit an application.
Guide to AwardSpring – Your scholarship and bursary platform
What is AwardSpring? The AwardSpring platform is where McMaster students go to find and apply for internal scholarship and bursary...
Webinar: Help applying for OSAP
Join Student Services for an online webinar that offers new students and their families, information and guidance on how to...
Intro to OSAP
View our video tutorial above for the common practices on applying to OSAP. To calculate your course load, you can...
How to complete and submit the OSAP Extension Form
View our video tutorial above on how to complete and submit the OSAP Extension Form. Please note: A fully completed...