
How to submit forms and documents to us

Follow the steps below to securely submit forms, requests and supporting documentation for review and assessment.

Document upload for Aid & Awards

1. Combine all your documents as one PDF.

PDF documents need a file size smaller than 2MB. No jpeg documents will be accepted.

How to combine PDFs:

2. Save the PDF.

  • Name the file using this format: LAST NAME_first name_(McMaster student#)

3. Navigate to your current OSAP application and upload your document using the print/upload link.

Please upload your documents once. If you need to make changes or corrections to your submitted file, add “_updated” to the end of your new file name.

  • If you are an out-of-province (non-Ontario) please submit a Service Request with your student aid form attached.
    • Allow three business days for student aid forms to be completed by McMaster Aid & Awards. Completed forms will be emailed directly to your home province if possible. If not, the completed form will be returned to you via your Service Request.
    • McMaster uses the online portal to confirm enrolment for the following student aid programs:
      • British Columbia (including the Appendix 3)
      • Alberta
      • Nova Scotia
      • Prince Edward Island
      • Manitoba
      • National Student Loans Service Centre – all Canada Student Loans

If your study period end date has passed only then upload your document to MacDrive.

Please note you do not need to log in to MacDrive to upload files.

4. Monitor the status of your OSAP application by going to your OSAP portal.

McMaster encourages award recipients to take the time to express appreciation to your award donor(s), by writing a personal thank you letter. Your letter is important – the individuals and organizations who fund student awards truly appreciate hearing about your accomplishments, goals, and plans for the future.

Letter template

Use the following template should be used to structure your thank you letter:

Thank you letter template (pdf)

Save the pdf to your computer, and then edit it using your preferred pdf editor (Adobe, Preview, etc).

Please note that inserting a photo into your letter is optional. If you do not want to include a photo, leave the photo box on the upper right blank.

Uploading your letter

How to upload your letter to AwardSpring (awards by application): 

  • Once you have been awarded a scholarship, log in to AwardSpring and access your Dashboard.
  • Under the items requiring completion, find your award and click “Complete follow up.” If your award requires a thank you letter, you’ll be asked to submit one.
  • Write your thank you letter using our downloadable template.
  • Click “Upload File” to upload your letter.
  • Once uploaded, select “Submit Follow-up” and you’ll be re-directed to your Dashboard.

How to upload your letter to MacDrive (all other awards):

McMaster’s Virtual drop box, MacDrive, allows you to easily and securely submit documents like your donor thank you letter.

  • Write your thank you letter using the downloadable template above.
  • Save your PDF as Firstname_Lastname_awardname.pdf
  • Select ‘Add Files’, and then browse for your document
  • Select the file and click OK. A successful upload has an ‘uploaded’ notification displayed on the screen.


  • Please do not upload photos of your letter
  • Only upload your document once
  • Need confirmation the upload was successful? You can email

By submitting your thank you letter you are authorizing your student information, your photo, as well as any quotes taken from your thank you letter to be used in future stewardship materials and university communications such as McMaster newsletters. You are acknowledging that your letter may be edited before delivery to a donor, and you are releasing McMaster from any responsibility regarding how a donor may choose to use or publish your letter. If you choose to include your address, phone number and/or e-mail address you should be aware that the university will have no control over the donor’s use of this information.