How to view your grades
Grade release availability
Grades are normally available to view in the Mosaic Student Centre approximately a week after the final exam period ends.
Accessing grades on Mosaic
There are multiple ways to view your grades in the Mosaic Student Centre:
- Through the Grades function.
- Student Centre > Academics > Grades (from the drop down menu)
- Check your Unofficial Transcript on Mosaic. The Unofficial Transcript shows every final grade across your academic career.
- Academics > My Academics> View my unofficial transcript
- The My Course History page allows you to view the Course Code, Description, Term, Grade, Units, and Status of your courses.
- Academics> My Academics > View my course history
What is Grade Point Average (GPA)?
GPA is the weighted average based on the grades obtained in all courses taken. Prior to September 1, 2018 the grades from all attempts (including failed attempts) are included in the GPA calculation. Courses that are not included in the GPA calculation are:
- Courses you have taken at another university (Transferred Credit).
- Courses that are deemed “Extra” to your degree requirements at McMaster University
- Courses that you passed and in which you have earned a non-numeric grade; i.e. P, NC, AUD or COM.
- Previous attempts of repeated courses taken after September 1, 2018. More information about repeating courses can be found in the General Academic Regulations of the Undergraduate Calendar.
Types of GPAs
Term Grade Point Average (Term GPA) is a weighted average based on the grades obtained in courses taken in a given term within the same career at McMaster University.
Grade point values
Grade point values range from 12 (an A+) to 0 (an F). You are assigned a letter grade in each course.
The corresponding grade point values are listed in the Academic Calendar. The Undergraduate Grading system is also listed in the table for easy reference.
Grade | Points | Equivalent Percentage | 4.0 Scale |
A+ | 12 | 90-100 | 4 |
A | 11 | 85-89 | 3.9 |
A- | 10 | 80-84 | 3.7 |
B+ | 9 | 77-79 | 3.3 |
B | 8 | 73-76 | 3 |
B- | 7 | 70-72 | 2.7 |
C+ | 6 | 67-69 | 2.3 |
C | 5 | 63-66 | 2 |
C- | 4 | 60-62 | 1.7 |
D+ | 3 | 57-59 | 1.3 |
D | 2 | 53-56 | 1 |
D- | 1 | 50-52 | 0.7 |
F | 0 | 0-49 | 0 |
GPA calculation
Course units
Value, level, and time requirements of a course are assessed by the Course Units. A course unit normally consists of one lecture hour per week per term or one laboratory period of not less than two and not more than three hours per week per term.
Course points
Course points are calculated by multiplying the number of course units by the grade point value of your final grade in the course. For example, if you received a B+ in a 3 unit course, the course points = 3*9 = 27 points. If your final grade is a non-numeric grade, the course points will be ‘0’ and those points will not be factored in the GPA term or cumulative calculations. Course Points may not display on the transcript but they are captured behind the scenes and used in GPA calculations.
Term GPA calculation
The Term Grade Point Average is calculated by dividing the total points for the term by the Term GPA units.
Total points for the term
Total points for the Term are the sum of all course points earned in a given term.
Types of Units
Term Attempted Units: The total number of course units you have registered in, in a given term, regardless of your final grades.
Cumulative Attempted Units: The total number of course units you have registered in, throughout your entire career, regardless of your final grades.
Term Earned Units: The total number of course units you have earned, in a given term, including units earned in courses with non-numeric grades.
Cumulative Earned Units: The total number of course units you have earned, throughout your entire career, including units earned in courses with non-numeric grades (This is required for graduation processing).
Term GPA Units: The total number of course units you have earned, in a given term excluding courses with non-numeric grades that are not factored in the GPA calculation; i.e. P, NC, AUD or COM.
Cumulative GPA Units: The total number of course units you have earned, throughout your entire career, excluding courses with non-numeric grades that are not factored in the GPA calculation; i.e. P, NC, AUD or COM.