Emergency financial support

The university has a limited amount of funding available to students who are unexpectedly faced with a short-term financial emergency that impacts their basic needs. 

What is a financial emergency?

A financial emergency is when you are unable to provide for your basic needs due to unforeseen circumstances. Basic needs include:

  • Food, rent and/or utilities
  • Pending eviction from your place of residence
  • Uninsured medical/dental bills
  • Negative circumstances outside of your control that impact your basic living needs
  • Base-level technology required for study will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Emergency aid is not available for: 

  • Tuition and supplementary fees 
  • Repayment of personal loans 
  • Credit card repayment 

Requirements for eligibility:

  • You must be enrolled in the current term
  • You have investigated and exhausted all other resources including OSAP/government aid, bursaries, awards, and support from family or friends
  • You have immediate and unexpected expenses leading to financial hardship
  • You have eliminated unnecessary expenses from your spending plan

What are my next steps to getting assistance?

  • Complete your AwardSpring General Application.  Click on the “AwardSpring” tile on your Mosaic home page to start. Remember to regularly check for available scholarship and bursary opportunities on your AwardSpring dashboard. 
  • Reach out to Registrar’s Office Student Services via their online chat or in-person drop-in services in Gilmour Hall 108. A Student Services Professional (SSP) will briefly go over your resources and the application process, including next steps for consideration.
  • Explore other McMaster and community resources (see below).

On-campus resources

MSU Food Collective Centre

Offers services including monthly boxes filled with fresh produce, non-perishable food items and free pastries and fruits.

Mac’s Money Centre

Financial coaching, tax tips, preparing for life after university and more.

Student Accessibilty Services (SAS)

Provides academic accommodation assistance and related supports to students with disabilities

School of Graduate Studies

Academic, financial, and other supports for graduate students.

Library Equipment

Various technology and equipments for students to borrow as needed.

Additional Support

Good2Talk Helpline

Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline (1-866-925-5454) providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.

Student Affairs Parents Page

Important information to help parents/guardians support their children through university

What documents will I need to provide? 

An SSP will provide you with the application form. They will also outline the documentation needed to assess your request. This documentation often includes: 

  • Your signed lease agreement 
  • Past month’s bills (utilities, phone, etc.) 
  • Bank statements 
  • Credit card statements 
  • Medical receipts 
  • Other documents that speak to the circumstances 

When will I receive a decision? 

Emergency aid requests are processed as quickly as possible. Please monitor your McMaster email for any updates.